帖子一览:HELP!I did 登录,but when I go to other section like bank..... (新回复在最前,最多列出 10 个) [列出所有回复]
发表于: 2004/01/06 04:42am
if you disable the cookies, it must be failed to login all the forums.
发表于: 2004/01/06 04:07am
As above, and set ur web browser allow all cookies from this site.
发表于: 2004/01/05 04:44pm
[这个贴子最后由lbbqq在 2004/01/04 11:47pm 第 1 次编辑]
try this way:clear up the cookie of your pc. if it doesn't work, maybe it's something wrong with your os. then you have to check it to find out the problem and solve it yourself. haha.
发表于: 2004/01/05 04:39pm
I did 登录 ,and it shows 欢迎您,johnny, but when I go to other section ,it change to 欢迎您,客人.I can't go to other section like bank now!!Please help!