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主题标题: Long Long Live DownloaD?
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    帖子一览:Long Long Live DownloaD? (新回复在最前,最多列出 10 个)  [列出所有回复]
    sodafire 发表于: 2008/04/29 01:22am
    I remembered that fww8fb's old bittorrent servers have had Long Long Live. it's lost now. ToT
    remember16 发表于: 2007/12/09 07:35pm
    sorry,I don't know this live!
    Cafofo 发表于: 2007/12/02 07:22pm
    Ahum..i did not know this... Its become more and more hard to get it hwahhwaw
    I downt know if someone here use,but on some napserver have 2 uses who have the dvd...but they never let me download Sad
    fww8fb 发表于: 2007/12/02 04:20am
    The sadder thing is, all fukuyama's live show DVDs can only order by mail in Japan.( can't find any copy in CD/DVD stores, even if u r in Japan.) The artist management company which fukuyama is belong to, do not offer  oversea mail order. So, unless u can find someone who live in Japan to help u to give an order...

    The saddest thing is, the company didn't makes too many copies of those DVDs, the "LONG LONG LIVE" was sold out for months already...

    Very soon, the "FIRE BOMBER 2005~A Tribute to Nekki Basara~" will sold out too, maybe already, I'm not quiet sure...

    Here is the company's offical site:
    Cafofo 发表于: 2007/12/02 02:59am
    'talking about the topic'
    I try to find the dvd on the sites which i can buy (amazon and cdjapan),but do not have this dvd... its becoming very very hard...
    If someone have... Please \o/
    Cafofo 发表于: 2007/12/02 02:44am
    Oh... i try in internet explorer and i got the musics thx...im having problems with firefox and those 3 tracks ! strangers...
    No... how i can explain...
    My internet 'instint' hwahhawa...i only see the links, and the codes are in english and i...going register and manege the forum like this...
    Djmaozai 发表于: 2007/12/02 00:50am
    Oh yeah.... another things i curious...

    How that you manage to creat an account???
    you said that you don't understand chinese...
    and you able to post .... are you tried 1 by 1????

    fww8fb 发表于: 2007/12/01 09:10am
    I tested #2, 6, 10 just a moment ago, they r ok. Maybe u should try another time.



    fww8fb 发表于: 2007/12/01 08:13am
    long long live...
    hard to find...
    Djmaozai 发表于: 2007/12/01 01:09am
    Opss....forgot to tell you...
    Yuu-chan oredi upload a lot of fukuyama songs....

    here is Fukuyama latest album link... shared by Yuu-chan ofcoz

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