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--- Help!I did 登录 but .... (https://flywithwind.org/forum/cgi-bin/topic.cgi?forum=1&topic=110)

-- 作者: johnny
-- 发布时间: 2004/01/05 04:24pm

I did 登录 but when I go to other section,I will become 客人,PLEASE HELP!I can't get in other section!!>_< :em12:  :em18:  :em31:  

-- 作者: lbbqq
-- 发布时间: 2004/01/05 04:37pm


-- 作者: johnny
-- 发布时间: 2004/01/05 04:42pm

How to clear the cookie? This is the first time I 注册 on BBS!

-- 作者: lbbqq
-- 发布时间: 2004/01/05 04:46pm

the botton of the forum's frontpage have the button to clear up the cookie of the forum on your pc. just go and try

-- 作者: johnny
-- 发布时间: 2004/01/05 04:56pm

It doesn't work!Is it really hopeless!?

-- 作者: johnny
-- 发布时间: 2004/01/05 05:01pm

New discover!I found two of my name on the front page(johnny and 客人)客人 is the one with blue colour!What does it mean?

-- 作者: FWW8FB
-- 发布时间: 2004/01/06 04:16am

[这个贴子最后由FWW8FB在 2004/01/05 11:17am 第 1 次编辑]

[quote][b]下面引用由[u]johnny[/u]在 [i]2004/01/05 00:01am[/i] 发表的内容:[/b]
New discover!I found two of my name on the front page(johnny and 客人)客人 is the one with blue colour!What does it mean?

It's just the same problem with ur login/out.
R u using IE as ur web browser? or other?

PS: Any more questions & replys please post to the "Manage/Test Area", this topic has been locked by myself.

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