[这个贴子最后由FWW8FB在 2004/01/05 11:17am 第 1 次编辑]vG(yV ©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞 4V+h
下面引用由johnny在 2004/01/05 00:01am 发表的内容:u# New discover!I found two of my name on the front page(johnny and 客人)客人 is the one with blue colour!What does it mean?;U
a ©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞 ?r% It's just the same problem with ur login/out.,891:- R u using IE as ur web browser? or other?c|, ©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞 xlUY% PS: Any more questions & replys please post to the "Manage/Test Area", this topic has been locked by myself.+
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 A life 4 change.
辛辣尖锐的毒舌可以救世,诅咒谩骂的怨舌只会带来毁灭。 没有自知自觉的人类是毁灭世界的决定性因素。