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之後我e-mail改了一封信,信裡夾雜著英文和一些亂碼, 我不太懂看,\
plz~~~ help~~!!@@Y

发贴时间2004/09/16 08:23am IP: 已设置保密[本文共217字节]  
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 three nine CD SHOP 【Reservation check * payment guidance】*76I
Thank you for proposing lately."3
©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞  :llQ
I guide the procedure which should be transmitted, and article delivery of an G`~~@J
article priceb{^H
We ask for taking care that you do not commit some errors about transfer.K=5B0
In order to avoid confusion, please pay at the bank window.TU
©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞  2;xg^
Your registration check:{)
Your number:ddd66678FBXJCu
The goods name:福山芳樹[LONG LONG LIVE] (TNDA-0001)K~AMl
Transferred money:\6000(Goods price \4800 + Delivery commission \1200)+ We 717EG
ask you for your paying our commission earned in your homeland.`
©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞  6kYt@
※Since a visitor's registration number is needed in the case of goods price n>tY
transfer, please confirm.But though you can't imform the number, we'll accept.-/`F
※Apart from goods price, a regular delivery commission is needed. (Refer to CwCph9
charge following)Pr,^
※Please transfer within seven days after this guidance. I deliver goods within .D-2m
five days after a payment check./
※Keep in mind that we do not repay after transfer even if you are mistaken in L)
the amount of money and pay in, 3
when you are transfer.zbj
※Even if it will pass ten days or more after payment, when goods do not .5u~
arrive, please contact me to the following.Karw{
©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞  !"p&/-
■About price payment■/a
©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞  O_R
<<Paying by bank transfer.>>W[-E:(
   Please transfer the following designated account in a nearby bank.~oa.e
   (You also pay a transfer commission.)}EnW
   Please pay in in Japanese yen.6G
     We ask you for your paying our commission earned in your homeland.jtr@
©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞  TX
※You have to pay your transfer commission but also our receipt commission by l'GB9e
yourself at the bank window in your country. F(
If you forget to pay our receipt commission, we need to pay it ourselves. So we *E9
cannot send the goods of exact quantity _O
and you will have to transfer our receipt commission which we paid for your ws]:|
former transfer with new receipt commission.hYF^7
If you can't understand detail of our receipt commission, please say bank clerk l`
that©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞  s
[Exactly 6000 yen must be made to be transferred to account of threenine ZJ
Entertainment certainly.]~
©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞  =3~
?Transfer account?';
  Account Name:Threenine Entertainment Limited CompanyIb<
  Transfer account number:Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, Shibuya branch (usually cb(
account) 33805053z
  ※Attention!)Be sure to fill in a registration number before a name in the rSZ
case of entry of a payer.-5/c
   (The example in the direction of transfer people"TAROU YAMADA -Br
"registration-number" WCA-1234": WCA-1234 TAROU TAMADA)N+k6M
  Transferred money frame:\6000(Goods price \4800 + Delivery commission |
©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞  gxFe%
※Payment deadline→ 2004/09/22(A postmark is also effective on the day.);
※Goods dispatch→ After  a payment check  less than ten days.>:
©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞  :T
■About goods delivery■1,
(1)I deliver by the specification delivery contractor after a payment check.ZYj
   ※Please understand beforehand that it may get mixed up 2 or 3rd g
according to a delivery contractor's situation.T+5D
(2)Even if it will pass ten days or more after payment, when goods do not Y
arrive, please contact me to the following.{
(キメ)A delivery commission will change with the number of goods purchase, and g>&Tl4
will be performed as follows.(9\{
   In the case of 1-2 piece purchase ?1,200(Tax in)1F5xy
   In the case of 3-4 piece purchase ?1,400(Tax in)kY_Fn
   In the case of 5-6 piece purchase ?1,900(Tax in)]-
   In the case of 7-8 piece purchase ?2,200(Tax in)z
(4) We ask you for your paying our commission earned in your homeland. S
     If you forget paying our commission earned, we can't send the goods.kL
■About returned goods■b3
(1)Please understand beforehand that the exchange and returned goods by the C=
reason of those other than the defect of goods are not made in principle.#1/X
(2)Please give me connection of the exchange and returned goods by the }>lhO
defect of goods within eight days after goods arrival.H Woy
   In addition, I cannot accept exchange and returned goods after eight-day v#\k
or more progress.v]!'
(キメ)Please return, although it is troublesome, if the article which we sent a2g
to your basis is dirty or has broken from the accident etc. m]JN
   Please send by C.O.D. And our company pays a postage and newly sends `2WN]n
superior goods.lY^
©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞  /f
※If there are a question, an inquiry, etc., please contact me to the following.`x
©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞  u*(Rl
♪♪♪ three nine CD SHOPrgfCv
♪♪♪ info@threenine.co.jp  TEL:03-5738-9900(Tokyo,Japan)(12:00~18:00 p9
omitted Sat,Sun,Public holidays.)%&_x
♪♪♪ Management:Threenine Entertainment Limited Company+Q
*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===* h&
請問有那位英文好的?? 稍解釋.............=___=.....Y$eH(t

发贴时间2004/09/16 11:57am IP: 已设置保密[本文共5318字节]  
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  [这个贴子最后由lbbqq在 2004/09/15 08:25pm 第 1 次编辑]H*n{b
©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞  6b$on?
对方银行帐号名:Threenine Entertainment Limited Company(三九娱乐有限公司);
银行帐号:Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi(东京三菱银行), Shibuya branch(渋谷[寿蘭里面那个地方]分行) (usually account) 380505Zr7IQK
一定要在付款人(你)名字前面写上在网站上的帐号名。如:你的名字是TAROU YAMADA,在网站上的帐号名是WCA-1234,那你要写的名字应该是WCA-1234 TAROU YAMADA4
©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞  0
©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞  okN%'

发贴时间2004/09/16 00:24pm IP: 已设置保密[本文共794字节]  
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等级: Anima Spiritia
信息: 该用户目前不在线 此人为坛主
威望: 0 积分: 1483
现金: 22150 银子
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发帖: 1343
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在线: 254 时 54 分 12 秒
注册: 2006/05/16 04:29pm
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©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞  s&yjB
意思应该就是楼上 bbq 翻译的那样了。r

A life 4 change.


发贴时间2004/09/16 00:57pm IP: 已设置保密[本文共126字节]  
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发贴时间2004/09/16 01:17pm IP: 已设置保密[本文共106字节]  
 头衔: 论坛版主


等级: 七号要塞舰长
信息: 该用户目前不在线 此人为版主 白羊座
威望: +1 积分: 88
现金: 3205 银子
存款: 1178 银子
贷款: 没贷款
来自: 保密 blank
发帖: 60
精华: 0
在线: 06 时 12 分 22 秒
注册: 2006/05/18 04:59am
造访: 2010/05/16 09:32am
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发贴时间2004/09/19 06:08pm IP: 已设置保密[本文共92字节]  


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