哈哈,fb打工了吗。本来也想去打工的,不过想想,还是学业快点完成更优先。%i-@I 我现在还在上课呢。应该说,暑假对我来说,反而更加紧了。怀念以前的暑假啊。p#1Rb ©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞 $ "It's not true that life is one d*mn thing after another; it's one d*mn thing over and over."&$+]3c ©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞 )bq Good sentence!!ZQ ©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞 tE " What do we live for? What's the point for what I'm doing?"GXz?y1 ©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞 TI% Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes.G ----Carl Jung#GM ©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞 ei- ©“迎风飞翔”论坛 -- MACROSS 7 爱好者们的要塞 V%h#bS 话说你们那里的确挺漂亮啊。不过这风景国内也有。c#
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We are more alike, my friend, more than we unlike.